My Individual Essay. "How subliminal messages affect human’s behave".
Is it possible that the meaning of an event can affect people’s behavior without their being aware of the event? In these modern days when technology is taking the whole world; is known that, subliminal messages are one way to do it. Briefly – flashed messages in the movies and videos, sub – audible messages in audiotapes, or barely audible messages in the music lead people to make purchases they had not wanted to, as suicide. According to skepdic web page the subliminal is below the liminal (the smallest detectable sensation); besides, subliminal messages can work when people see that is like an iceberg with 10% being the conscious mind and 90% being the subconscious mind, Subliminal messages carry people to have different behaviors that they usually show when they watch television, listen music play games.
Vokey, John R (2007) the term “subliminal” is derived from the construct of a “limen of consciousness”, a threshold or line separating conscious from unconscious. The concept dates back to the literal beginning of psychology as an empirical science separate from philosophy in the seminal writings of Johan Friedrich Herbart (1776-1841). Herbart argued that ideas (i.e., both perceptions and thoughts) differed from one another in strength, and inhibit or suppress one another in a dynamical fashion, competing with one another to achieve enough strength to rise above the “limen of consciousness” and, hence, be consciously experienced. Ideas below the line still exist, in this view, and through collateral inhibition can influence what other ideas, including themselves, are subsequently consciously experienced. In this way, perceptions obtained only subliminally.
In the first point subliminal messages in television is detected in the people’s behavior. In the Vicary’s studio in 1950, people could see how a subliminal message could affect people’s behavior throughout a movie, during it for a third of a millisecond every five seconds in the screen he saw “eat popcorn and drink coke” and then the marketing increased in the popcorn: 58% and in the coke: 18%. According to these, the subliminal messages arrived to the brain specifically the subconscious and made the people act as they did and one of the best way to do that is throughout the television with images that are most of the times invisible to the human’s eyes but that the human’s conscious can feel, this images could be writings in the screen or pictures (frequently about sex) to catch customer’s attention. This king of subliminal message was created to increase selling, catch customer’s attention, etc. This kind of messages could be apparently harmless but they often affect young people or children, because they are the most important point to sell.
In the second point, subliminal messages in the music produce alterations in the people’s feelings. It consist on put a message opposite to the song and unconsciously people’s mind receive the message and act according to it; sometimes the message has been recorded in the normal lyric of the song, this strategy has been used for a long time; specially, with rock music that in it has found suicide and satanic messages. In these times also pop music, alternative, R&B, etc; use subliminal messages, because manager found the success that they wanted, as marketing, popularity, etc. for that reason is important to understand how dangerous is listen some kinds of music and it is even worst if people know about that, because they know what happen with that song and what kind of information some people want to put in their mind in order they have different attitudes.
In the third point, subliminal messages in the games produce violent behavior in the children. Games are a kind of entertainment or distractions that children also young people love; the colors, figures, graphics are point that help to catch young people attention and sellers know that and use violent images, massacres, tragedies, etc, to obtain this attention. This kind of subliminal message is produced in most of the time in the normal way throughout the hard images it contains, but sometimes it has occult messages or subliminal one. However, what does this messages produce? It produces home’s fight even the parent’s death, because the violence that it contain is so hard that produce that. Parent need to control the way that children play games because the new games or the games of this years are very crude for them and produce this effects.
In conclusion subliminal messages produce serious problems in the human’s mind with their waves, images, reversing words, because they act unconsciously to the human’s eyes but consciously to the human’s brain, sometimes they produce behave in the people that they do not know, also the death. Subliminal messages in television, music, games are one of the ways but there are many way to sublime people. If people were sure or conscientious about what subliminal messages do, they would be more carefully than they are. For that reason is recommendable that children play educative games that help their brain, also the kind of music they listen or the kind of program they watch, people know that subliminal messages will be used all the time and they will never disappear but people as parents or reasonable one can control the subliminal messages in their homes.
Vokey, John R (2007) the term “subliminal” is derived from the construct of a “limen of consciousness”, a threshold or line separating conscious from unconscious. The concept dates back to the literal beginning of psychology as an empirical science separate from philosophy in the seminal writings of Johan Friedrich Herbart (1776-1841). Herbart argued that ideas (i.e., both perceptions and thoughts) differed from one another in strength, and inhibit or suppress one another in a dynamical fashion, competing with one another to achieve enough strength to rise above the “limen of consciousness” and, hence, be consciously experienced. Ideas below the line still exist, in this view, and through collateral inhibition can influence what other ideas, including themselves, are subsequently consciously experienced. In this way, perceptions obtained only subliminally.
In the first point subliminal messages in television is detected in the people’s behavior. In the Vicary’s studio in 1950, people could see how a subliminal message could affect people’s behavior throughout a movie, during it for a third of a millisecond every five seconds in the screen he saw “eat popcorn and drink coke” and then the marketing increased in the popcorn: 58% and in the coke: 18%. According to these, the subliminal messages arrived to the brain specifically the subconscious and made the people act as they did and one of the best way to do that is throughout the television with images that are most of the times invisible to the human’s eyes but that the human’s conscious can feel, this images could be writings in the screen or pictures (frequently about sex) to catch customer’s attention. This king of subliminal message was created to increase selling, catch customer’s attention, etc. This kind of messages could be apparently harmless but they often affect young people or children, because they are the most important point to sell.
In the second point, subliminal messages in the music produce alterations in the people’s feelings. It consist on put a message opposite to the song and unconsciously people’s mind receive the message and act according to it; sometimes the message has been recorded in the normal lyric of the song, this strategy has been used for a long time; specially, with rock music that in it has found suicide and satanic messages. In these times also pop music, alternative, R&B, etc; use subliminal messages, because manager found the success that they wanted, as marketing, popularity, etc. for that reason is important to understand how dangerous is listen some kinds of music and it is even worst if people know about that, because they know what happen with that song and what kind of information some people want to put in their mind in order they have different attitudes.
In the third point, subliminal messages in the games produce violent behavior in the children. Games are a kind of entertainment or distractions that children also young people love; the colors, figures, graphics are point that help to catch young people attention and sellers know that and use violent images, massacres, tragedies, etc, to obtain this attention. This kind of subliminal message is produced in most of the time in the normal way throughout the hard images it contains, but sometimes it has occult messages or subliminal one. However, what does this messages produce? It produces home’s fight even the parent’s death, because the violence that it contain is so hard that produce that. Parent need to control the way that children play games because the new games or the games of this years are very crude for them and produce this effects.
In conclusion subliminal messages produce serious problems in the human’s mind with their waves, images, reversing words, because they act unconsciously to the human’s eyes but consciously to the human’s brain, sometimes they produce behave in the people that they do not know, also the death. Subliminal messages in television, music, games are one of the ways but there are many way to sublime people. If people were sure or conscientious about what subliminal messages do, they would be more carefully than they are. For that reason is recommendable that children play educative games that help their brain, also the kind of music they listen or the kind of program they watch, people know that subliminal messages will be used all the time and they will never disappear but people as parents or reasonable one can control the subliminal messages in their homes.
At 8:06 AM, OZZ said…
i don´t mean to be tough ok but i think you should be more creative because your introductory paragraph sounds just as mine and you should check your grammar i say this because comparing our essays you can see that they are similar so i dont want to have any problems in this subject in the other hand i think you have a great topic!
At 10:39 AM, Jogrexi said…
I like the topic of your essay, it is very interesting, just a few tips, I do not know much but I hope it serves you. Sweetie, I think you should link your paragraphs, you should also check your grammar and read a little bit on how to make quotations.that is it. Good job!
At 12:36 PM, Maye said…
Hello Vanessa, it would be better if you check the thesis statement of your essay because i think that it's not clear enough for me, that's what i think. And also check your grammar, for instance when you said: "is known that" you must say " it is known that". Moreover, i had the same problem that you are having with quotations, you can ask professor Adrian about how to do it as i did, in order to improve my essay. i hope i can help you with my comments. Bye.
At 12:52 PM, Prof. Manuel Adrian Arrioja said…
Vanessa, according to your thesis statement, "Subliminal messages carry people to have different behaviors that they usually show when they watch television, listen music play games", do people show the behaviors, or are the messages shown when people do those activities? It's confusing. if you read the rest of the essay, it is not clear if it is the people or the messages.
Jogre is right about your grammar and citation rules. Anyway I made further corrections which are available at
At 1:11 PM, Prof. Manuel Adrian Arrioja said…
You can also go to
At 10:10 AM, enrikerivas said…
hey!! Vane, i agree with my partners about the the thesis but ai think it is a good topic, plaese check my blog in order to help me you can also correc my essay
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